Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Public Space, Contemporary Art and Politics
image: Invest in Utopias, Gülsün Karamustafa
26 Ekim/ October 2007, Cuma/Friday 16.00-18.00 / 4pm-6pm
Sanatçı Konuşmaları /Artists Talks
Sanatcilar / Artists: Knut Asdam, Yorgos Sapountzis
27 Ekim/October 2007, Cumartesi/Saturday 15.00-18.00 / 3pm-6pm
"Kamusal Alan, Güncel Sanat ve Siyasal Jest"
Rosalyn Deutsche: Savaş Zamanında Kamusal Alanda Sanatın Tanıklığı - The Art of Witness in the Wartime Public Sphere
Gülsün Karamustafa: Ozel/Kamusal, sınır nerede? - Public/Private, where does the border stand?
Gerald Raunig: Canavar Prekarya - The Monster Precariat
Erden Kosova: Dar Alanda Radikal Jestler: Istanbul'da Siyasallığı One Çıkaran Sanat Pratiklerinin Mekansal Sorunları - Radical Gestures in Restriction: Spatial Problems of Politically Engaged Art in Istanbul
Moderator: Pelin Tan
simultane çeviri vardir / simultaneous translation is available
Yer/Place: santralistanbul
image by Ali Saltan
Diyarbakir'da / In Diyarbakir:
27 Ekim/ October 2007, Cumartesi /Saturday 16:00
Moderator /Moderator: Sener Ozmen
Panel/Panel: Yerel Dinamiklar, Coğrafyalar ve Çapraz Olasılıklar / Local Dynamics, Geographies and Cross-Possibilities
Aslı Kıyak: Sulukule deneyimi:kentsel mekanda dönüşüm politikaları ve yerel direnisler / Sulukule experience: Urban Transformation Policies and Local Resistance
Sibel Yardımcı / Eylem Akçay:
Geri Dönüşümün Görünmeyen Yüzü. Sokak Toplayıcılarının İş ve Yaşam Koşulları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme / The invisible face of waste collection: the working and living conditions of street collectors
Sezgin Boynik: Milliyetcilik ve Cagdas Sanat / Nationalism and Contemporary Art
Yer /Place: DSM
Diyarbakır Sanat Merkezi
Diyar Galeria Alışveriş Merkezi
No : 9 Dağkapı / Diyarbakır
Tlf : 412 228 94 00
Monday, October 8, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
5-6 Ekim 2007 / Kamusal Alan ve Güncel Sanat
5 Ekim 2007, Cuma 16.00-18.00 - Sanatçı Konuşmaları Sanatçılar: Esra Ersen, Kalle Hamm
6 Ekim 2007, Cumartesi 15.00-18.00 – Panel: “Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Estetik Bağlam”
Moderatör: Maruki Hakuri
Olo–Sven Wallenstein – Kamusal Özneler
Ali Akay – Estetik Rejim
Ossi Naukkarinen - The Mall, Media, and Mixtures. Three Modes of
Contemporary Public Art
Mika Hannula - The Heat Is On -
What Do We Talk About When We Talk About The Ethics of Locality
Oda Projesi: çevreye verdigimiz rahatsizliktan dolayi özür dileriz: bir oda projesi deneyimi
Katılımcıların özgeçmişleri:
Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Stokholm’da Södertörn üniversitesinde felsefe ve estetik dersleri vermektedir, güncel sanat dergisi Site’in baş editörüdür. Winckelmann, Kant, Hegel, Frege, Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Derrida, Deleuze, ve Agamben gibi yazarları Isveç’ceye kazandırmıştır. Çağdaş felsefe, estetik teori hakkında birçok makale ve kitabı bulunmaktadır. Son yayınları: Minimalism och postminimalism (2005),
Konceptkonst (2006), Essays, Lectures (2007), and Thinking Worlds: The
Moscow Conference on Art, Philosophy and Politics (co-ed. with Joseph
Backstein and Daniel Birnbaum, 2007).
Prof. Dr.Ali Akay
sosyolog ve kurator; Mimar Sinan Guzel sanatlar Universitesi Sosyoloji Bolum başkanı. Toplumbilim dergisinin ve Plato dergisinin ortak kurucusu. Akbank Sanat ve istan bulmodern muzesi'nin kuratoru. Son sergileri Wang Du, Irvin ve Abbas Kiorostami üzerine gerçekleşmiştir. Humboldt Universitesi, Berlin, Almanya(2005); Paris VIII Universitesi(2004), Paris ve I.N.H.A (2006), Paris 'de dersler vermiştir. Son çıkan iki kitabı, ''Sanatın Durumları'', Baglam yayınları, 2005; ''Sanat Tarihi Sıradışı bir disiplin'', Yapı ve Kredi yayınları,2006.
Ossi Naukkarinen
Helsinki Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Araştırmaları başkanı ve Helsinki Üniversitesi Estetik bölümü öğretim üyesi. Sanat felsefesi, görsel ve çevresel sanatlar ve mobil kültür üzerine yayınları var ve ilgili konularda birçok yayının editörlüğünü yapmıştır. Art and Beyond, 1995 (Olli Immonen ile editörlük), Aesthetics of the
Unavoidable (1998), Interpretation and Its Boundaries (eds. Arto Haapala
and Ossi Naukkarinen, 1999) ve Art of the Environment (2007) kitaplarını hazırlamış ve yazmıştır. Ayrıca Contemporary Aesthetics, Dialogue and
Universalism, The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics gibi dergilerde yazıları yayınlanmıştır.
Mika Hannula
Turku/Finlandiya’da doğdu, Berlin’de yaşamaktadır. Göteburg Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Sanatsal Araştırmalarda 2004’den bu yana professor. 2005 -2007 yılları arasında Helsinki Sanat Akademisi “Kamusal Alan da Sanat” bölümünün başkanlığını, 2000-2005 yılları arasında Helsinki Sanat Akademisi başkanlığını, 2002-2004 arası KUNO Kuzey Ülkeleri Sanat Akademileri başkanlığı görevlerini yürüttü. 1991-2001 arası NU: Kuzey Ülkeleri Sanat dergisi editörlüğü görevinde bulunudu.
Yayınladığı kitaplar: Why Do I Like Rock Music? - Theoretical Discourse on Contemporary Visual Art and Culture. A Defense of Postmodern Pluralism. University of Trondheim 2000. Everything or Nothing, Critical Theory, Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, (translation, original in Finnish 2003) Kuvataideakateamia 2005. Rock the Boat - Localized Ethics, the Situated Self, and Particularism in Contemporary Art, with Tere Vadén Salon Verlag 2003. Artistic Research – theories, methods and practices, with Juha Suoranta and Tere Vadén, Kuvataideakatemia and Göteborg Universitet, 2005. Politics of Small Gestures, Chances and Challenges for Contemporary Art, Art-ist Publishing, Istanbul 2006.
Birçok serginin kuratörlüğünü üstlenen Hannula, 2007 Venedik Bienali Estonya Pavyonu kuratördür.
Oda Projesi
Oda Projesi İstanbul’da temellenmiş bir sanatçı kolektifidir. Özge Açıkkol (Marmara Üniversitesi, Sanat Akademisi mezunu), Güneş Savaş (Marmara Üniversitesi, Sanat Akademisi mezunu) ve Seçil Yersel (Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü mezunu, yüksek lisans Marmara Sanat Akademisi) 2000 yılında çalışmalarını birlikte yürütmeye karar veren grubun üyeleridir. Oda Projesi içinde yer aldığı mahallede, odada, avluda, meydanda, sokakta, sanat galerisinde, gazetede, kitapta, radyoda… üç ayaklı bir ilişki biçimi yaratarak (Oda Projesi / “mekan” sahibi / davetli “misafir” / “komşu”), bu üçlü ilişkiden çıkan sürecin önemine işaret eden ve sonuca önceden bilerek değil yol alırken karar verilen bir dizi proje gerçekleştirmektedir. Genişleyen, büzüşen bir organizma gibi olan Oda Projesi’nin, mekân deneyimleri, farklı dil olasılıkları ve gündelik hayat dinamiklerini ödünç alarak oluşan stratejiler, taktikler geliştiren yapısı sürmektedir. Istanbul Bienali (2003, 2005), 50.Venedik Bienali, Gwanju Bienali (2002), Havana Bieniali (2003), Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, ZKM Center, Karlsruhe, Platform Garanti Güncel Sanat Merkezi, Kunstverein München, Kunstprojekte Riem’de birçok proje gerçekleştirmişlerdir ve sergilere katılmışlardır. Yayın: “Neighbourhood, room, neighbour, guest” book (124/3, Revolver). www.odaprojesi.org
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sergi/Exhibition: Enerji Odası / Energy Room
Kamusal alanı tartışmaya açan çağdaş sanat projeleri için araştırma alanı. / A research space for contemporary art projects discussing public space.
Tarih / Date: 5-31 Ekim / October 2007
santralistanbul tarafından yürütülen “Kamusal Alan ve Güncel Sanat” projesi katılımcılarının çalışma / projelerinin sunulduğu bir arşiv ve araştırma alanı. Dijital proje arşivinin yanında, kamusal alan ve çağdaş sanat üzerine küçük bir kütüphane de araştırmacılara açık.
Ayrıca ENERJİ ODASI! sanatçı konuşmaları ve okumalara da ev sahipliği ediyor.
An archive and research space that presents the works / projects of participants of the "Public Turn in Contemporary Art" project run by santralistanbul.
A digital archive of the projects and a small library of publications on public space and contemporary art are available for research.
Check out information for artist talks and public reading sessions that will take place in the ENERGY ROOM!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Art and Negotiation in Public Space
The Public Turn in Contemporary Art
santralistanbul is initiating a debate on the role of contemporary art in creative transformation and democratization of public space.
“Art and Negotiation in Public Space”
31 August – 1 September 2007
The international project “The Public Turn in Contemporary Art” - led and realized by santralistanbul in cooperation with ArtBOX.gr from Thessaloniki, University of Art and Design Helsinki from Helsinki and Maison des Métallos from Paris - is a series of activities on the role of contemporary art in creative transformation and democratization of public space. The project, realized between 31 August – 31 October 2007, brings together artists, writers, art historians and theoreticians working on the subject. The theme will be discussed in three panels, artist talks, a documentation exhibition and a book.
The activities concern the artistic practices and projects that intervene as site-specific situations with several mediums, through types of collaboration and participation within public spaces. The concept and discussions question those practices in three bases. Accordingly the first set of activities will be realized on 31 August – 1 September 2007 in santralistanbul with the participation of various artists and academicians working on art and public space. The first panel “Art and Negotiation in Public Space”; where Hou Hanru, Bik Van der Pol, Superflex, Socrates Stratis and Jörgen Svensson are invited as speakers, will focus on the investigation of the forms of collaboration, site-specifity or site-locality, participation and the art practices themselves.
This panel will focus on the participatory, site-located, collaborative nature of art practices in public space. The question here is how negotiation and encounter appear as a confrontation within the social, political identity of the spaces? How negotiation appears in cross-cultural spaces through contemporary art practices? What kind of manoeuvres do artists, who intervene the spaces with site-specific, collaborative and participatory art practices, create? How participation is possible, in what format and context?
In the first round of artist talks, the Greek artist Maria Papadimitriou will initiate a debate on T.A.M.A., which is an outstanding example of participatory art practices, realized with Roma. The French artist Jean-Robert Franco will present his projects realized by inviting various artists to work on and redefine the public space. The project is expected to create an international platform for contemporary art practices in public space.
31 August 2007, Friday 16.00-18.00 – Artist Talks
Artists: Maria Papadimitriou, Jean-Robert Franco
1 September 2007, Saturday 15.00-18.00 – Panel: “Art and Negotiation in Public Space”
Moderator: Asu Aksoy
Hou Hanru – Can we talk about European Public Art ? (from Luxembourg to Istanbul)
Bik Van der Pol – Specific models for intervention in the public realm
Superflex – Flex in Public
Socrates Stratis – Encouraging publicness
Jörgen Svensson – Public Safety - Neighbourhood Secrets
Speakers and Artists:
Maria Papadimitriou
Born in Athens in 1957, she’s studied at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts between 1981-86 in Paris. She has participated in many exhibitions, and she is the leader of the project T.A.M.A. (Temporary Autonomus Museum for All) since 1998. She teaches at the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Greece. She lives and works in Volos and Athens.
HYPERLINK "http://www.tama.gr" www.tama.gr
Jean-Robert Franco
Artist-photographer Jean-Robert Franco is the president of ‘Le Génie de la Bastille’, an organisation of 80 artists in Paris. Jean-Robert Franco initiated in 2006 the "Génie des Jardins", an artistic event during which 40 to 50 artists "intervene" in 10 gardens of Paris, near the Bastille area. He is presently working on "dreamt souvenirs" (souvenirs rêvés).
HYPERLINK "http://www.legeniedelabastille.net" www.legeniedelabastille.net
Hou Hanru
Born in 1963 in China and moved to Paris in 1990s, Hou Hanru is a Paris - San Francisco based critic and curator; Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs and Chair of Exhibition Studies and Museology at San Francisco Art Institute. He is an advisor at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Amsterdam-Netherlands), visiting Professor at HISK - Hoger Instituut voor Shone Kunsten, (Antwerp-Belgium), Member of Advisory Committee of De Appel Foundation (Amsterdam-Netherlands), French correspondent of ‘Flash Art International’. Hou Hanru has been the curator of more than 50 exhibitions. He has publications in many art journals and catalogues; he’s the curator of 10. International İstanbul Biennial.
HYPERLINK "http://www.iksv.org/bienal" www.iksv.org/bienal
Bik Van der Pol
Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol work collectively since 1995 as Bik Van der Pol. They live and work in Rotterdam. They explore the potential of art to produce and transmit knowledge. Their working method is based on co-operation and research methods of how to activate situations to create a platform for various kinds of communicative activities. Bik Van der Pol is invited to 10. International İstanbul Biennial as an artist group.
HYPERLINK "http://www.bikvanderpol.net" www.bikvanderpol.net
Superflex is a group of artists established in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1993 by Bjornsterne Reuter Christionsen, Jakob Fenger ve Rasmus Nielsen. They have studied in Royal Copenhagen Art Academy, and realized many public art projects with the participation of various artists. Their work is a radical mix of humour and political interventions around issues related to the environment, world poverty and globalisation. The group has exhibited in 9. International İstanbul Biennial, San Paulo Biennial, Gwuangju Biennial.
HYPERLINK "http://www.superflex.dk" www.superflex.dk
Socrates Stratis
Born in Nicosia in 1964, Socrates Stratis is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture at the University of Cyprus. He obtained his architectural degree (BArch and MArch) in Cornell University, USA. He also obtained a DEA in University of Paris XII, and his doctorate degree in Urbanism at the University of Paris 8, France. He is one of the founders of AA+U – Partnership for Architecture Art and Urbanism, in Nicosia. His main problematics lie on establishing connections between teaching, research and practice in architecture and urbanism. He is currently working at the implementation of a winning project in Europan 4, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece and on master plans of communities in Cyprus giving emphasis on the production of urbanity in the cities. He has exhibited in the Venice Biennale of Architecture (2004, 2006). Stratis has worked on many public art projects with the participation of various people/artists from different disciplines.
HYPERLINK "http://www.eng.ucy.ac.cy/ARCH/EN/People/SStratis.htm" www.eng.ucy.ac.cy/ARCH/EN/People/SStratis.htm
Jörgen Svensson
Born in Sweden in 1958, Jörgen Svensson has worked both nationally and internationally on projects which take place in the general public forum. Many times he has also acted as curator and organizer. He is represented at The Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, Gothenburg's Art Museum, Borås Art Museum, Värmland's Museum, Kristinehamn's Art Museum, The Swedish State Art Council as well as many private collections and also in county buildings and other official administrations. He is a lecturer at Valand School of Fine Art, (Gothenburg University, Sweden) and at the Academy of Art (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim.
HYPERLINK "http://www.jorgensvensson.se" www.jorgensvensson.se
Küratör: Pelin Tan
Pelin Tan is a sociologist and art historian. As a writer she has contributed in the following books: Istanbul, b-books (2005); Kulturelle Topografien, Metzler (2004). The [un]common place, Actar (2005). TRACER 1-2, WdW (2004); FROM/TO, Linz müzesi (2007), Spatial Practices and Politics in Middle East, Bidoun/Moutamarat (2007). She was the 5th editor of art-ist contemporary art magazine directed by H.Altındere in 2002. Currently she is the editor and producer of Istanbul based independent contemporary art magazine Muhtelif, with A.Yıldız, A.Öğüt. In 2004, Tan was one of the curators of Tracer exhibition (Rotterdam) directed by Cathrine David (WdW) and Arno van Roosmalen (Tent). In 2006, she realized series of discussions/workshops under the title of "Alternative Art Practices" with A.Vidokle, in Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Centre. She writes for GAM, Bidoun, Untitled, Metropol M, IDEA, Springerin, Artpapers and other art/architecture magazines. Tan will work for an upcoming project on economy and space that will be realized with Secession (Vienna) in 2007. 2008 Autumn IASPIS residency.
HYPERLINK "http://www.tanpelin.blogspot.com" www.tanpelin.blogspot.com
HYPERLINK "http://www.contemporaryartinpublicspace.blogspot.com" www.contemporaryartinpublicspace.blogspot.com
Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı
Silahtarağa Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 1
34060 Eyüp-İstanbul-Turkey
HYPERLINK "http://www.santralistanbul.org" www.santralistanbul.org
+90 212 444 0 428
Public Relations: Arzu A. Girgin I +90 212 311 53 39 I HYPERLINK "mailto:aaslan@bilgi.edu.tr" aaslan@bilgi.edu.tr
* With the support of the Culture 2000 Programme of the European Union.
santralistanbul is initiating a debate on the role of contemporary art in creative transformation and democratization of public space.
“Art and Negotiation in Public Space”
31 August – 1 September 2007
The international project “The Public Turn in Contemporary Art” - led and realized by santralistanbul in cooperation with ArtBOX.gr from Thessaloniki, University of Art and Design Helsinki from Helsinki and Maison des Métallos from Paris - is a series of activities on the role of contemporary art in creative transformation and democratization of public space. The project, realized between 31 August – 31 October 2007, brings together artists, writers, art historians and theoreticians working on the subject. The theme will be discussed in three panels, artist talks, a documentation exhibition and a book.
The activities concern the artistic practices and projects that intervene as site-specific situations with several mediums, through types of collaboration and participation within public spaces. The concept and discussions question those practices in three bases. Accordingly the first set of activities will be realized on 31 August – 1 September 2007 in santralistanbul with the participation of various artists and academicians working on art and public space. The first panel “Art and Negotiation in Public Space”; where Hou Hanru, Bik Van der Pol, Superflex, Socrates Stratis and Jörgen Svensson are invited as speakers, will focus on the investigation of the forms of collaboration, site-specifity or site-locality, participation and the art practices themselves.
This panel will focus on the participatory, site-located, collaborative nature of art practices in public space. The question here is how negotiation and encounter appear as a confrontation within the social, political identity of the spaces? How negotiation appears in cross-cultural spaces through contemporary art practices? What kind of manoeuvres do artists, who intervene the spaces with site-specific, collaborative and participatory art practices, create? How participation is possible, in what format and context?
In the first round of artist talks, the Greek artist Maria Papadimitriou will initiate a debate on T.A.M.A., which is an outstanding example of participatory art practices, realized with Roma. The French artist Jean-Robert Franco will present his projects realized by inviting various artists to work on and redefine the public space. The project is expected to create an international platform for contemporary art practices in public space.
31 August 2007, Friday 16.00-18.00 – Artist Talks
Artists: Maria Papadimitriou, Jean-Robert Franco
1 September 2007, Saturday 15.00-18.00 – Panel: “Art and Negotiation in Public Space”
Moderator: Asu Aksoy
Hou Hanru – Can we talk about European Public Art ? (from Luxembourg to Istanbul)
Bik Van der Pol – Specific models for intervention in the public realm
Superflex – Flex in Public
Socrates Stratis – Encouraging publicness
Jörgen Svensson – Public Safety - Neighbourhood Secrets
Speakers and Artists:
Maria Papadimitriou
Born in Athens in 1957, she’s studied at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts between 1981-86 in Paris. She has participated in many exhibitions, and she is the leader of the project T.A.M.A. (Temporary Autonomus Museum for All) since 1998. She teaches at the Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Greece. She lives and works in Volos and Athens.
HYPERLINK "http://www.tama.gr" www.tama.gr
Jean-Robert Franco
Artist-photographer Jean-Robert Franco is the president of ‘Le Génie de la Bastille’, an organisation of 80 artists in Paris. Jean-Robert Franco initiated in 2006 the "Génie des Jardins", an artistic event during which 40 to 50 artists "intervene" in 10 gardens of Paris, near the Bastille area. He is presently working on "dreamt souvenirs" (souvenirs rêvés).
HYPERLINK "http://www.legeniedelabastille.net" www.legeniedelabastille.net
Hou Hanru
Born in 1963 in China and moved to Paris in 1990s, Hou Hanru is a Paris - San Francisco based critic and curator; Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs and Chair of Exhibition Studies and Museology at San Francisco Art Institute. He is an advisor at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (Amsterdam-Netherlands), visiting Professor at HISK - Hoger Instituut voor Shone Kunsten, (Antwerp-Belgium), Member of Advisory Committee of De Appel Foundation (Amsterdam-Netherlands), French correspondent of ‘Flash Art International’. Hou Hanru has been the curator of more than 50 exhibitions. He has publications in many art journals and catalogues; he’s the curator of 10. International İstanbul Biennial.
HYPERLINK "http://www.iksv.org/bienal" www.iksv.org/bienal
Bik Van der Pol
Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol work collectively since 1995 as Bik Van der Pol. They live and work in Rotterdam. They explore the potential of art to produce and transmit knowledge. Their working method is based on co-operation and research methods of how to activate situations to create a platform for various kinds of communicative activities. Bik Van der Pol is invited to 10. International İstanbul Biennial as an artist group.
HYPERLINK "http://www.bikvanderpol.net" www.bikvanderpol.net
Superflex is a group of artists established in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1993 by Bjornsterne Reuter Christionsen, Jakob Fenger ve Rasmus Nielsen. They have studied in Royal Copenhagen Art Academy, and realized many public art projects with the participation of various artists. Their work is a radical mix of humour and political interventions around issues related to the environment, world poverty and globalisation. The group has exhibited in 9. International İstanbul Biennial, San Paulo Biennial, Gwuangju Biennial.
HYPERLINK "http://www.superflex.dk" www.superflex.dk
Socrates Stratis
Born in Nicosia in 1964, Socrates Stratis is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture at the University of Cyprus. He obtained his architectural degree (BArch and MArch) in Cornell University, USA. He also obtained a DEA in University of Paris XII, and his doctorate degree in Urbanism at the University of Paris 8, France. He is one of the founders of AA+U – Partnership for Architecture Art and Urbanism, in Nicosia. His main problematics lie on establishing connections between teaching, research and practice in architecture and urbanism. He is currently working at the implementation of a winning project in Europan 4, in Heraklion, Crete, Greece and on master plans of communities in Cyprus giving emphasis on the production of urbanity in the cities. He has exhibited in the Venice Biennale of Architecture (2004, 2006). Stratis has worked on many public art projects with the participation of various people/artists from different disciplines.
HYPERLINK "http://www.eng.ucy.ac.cy/ARCH/EN/People/SStratis.htm" www.eng.ucy.ac.cy/ARCH/EN/People/SStratis.htm
Jörgen Svensson
Born in Sweden in 1958, Jörgen Svensson has worked both nationally and internationally on projects which take place in the general public forum. Many times he has also acted as curator and organizer. He is represented at The Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, Gothenburg's Art Museum, Borås Art Museum, Värmland's Museum, Kristinehamn's Art Museum, The Swedish State Art Council as well as many private collections and also in county buildings and other official administrations. He is a lecturer at Valand School of Fine Art, (Gothenburg University, Sweden) and at the Academy of Art (the Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in Trondheim.
HYPERLINK "http://www.jorgensvensson.se" www.jorgensvensson.se
Küratör: Pelin Tan
Pelin Tan is a sociologist and art historian. As a writer she has contributed in the following books: Istanbul, b-books (2005); Kulturelle Topografien, Metzler (2004). The [un]common place, Actar (2005). TRACER 1-2, WdW (2004); FROM/TO, Linz müzesi (2007), Spatial Practices and Politics in Middle East, Bidoun/Moutamarat (2007). She was the 5th editor of art-ist contemporary art magazine directed by H.Altındere in 2002. Currently she is the editor and producer of Istanbul based independent contemporary art magazine Muhtelif, with A.Yıldız, A.Öğüt. In 2004, Tan was one of the curators of Tracer exhibition (Rotterdam) directed by Cathrine David (WdW) and Arno van Roosmalen (Tent). In 2006, she realized series of discussions/workshops under the title of "Alternative Art Practices" with A.Vidokle, in Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Centre. She writes for GAM, Bidoun, Untitled, Metropol M, IDEA, Springerin, Artpapers and other art/architecture magazines. Tan will work for an upcoming project on economy and space that will be realized with Secession (Vienna) in 2007. 2008 Autumn IASPIS residency.
HYPERLINK "http://www.tanpelin.blogspot.com" www.tanpelin.blogspot.com
HYPERLINK "http://www.contemporaryartinpublicspace.blogspot.com" www.contemporaryartinpublicspace.blogspot.com
Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı
Silahtarağa Mah. Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 1
34060 Eyüp-İstanbul-Turkey
HYPERLINK "http://www.santralistanbul.org" www.santralistanbul.org
+90 212 444 0 428
Public Relations: Arzu A. Girgin I +90 212 311 53 39 I HYPERLINK "mailto:aaslan@bilgi.edu.tr" aaslan@bilgi.edu.tr
* With the support of the Culture 2000 Programme of the European Union.
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Public Turn in Contemporary Art /program
31 Ağustos 2007, Cuma 16.00-18.00 - Sanatçı Konuşmaları
31 August 2007, Friday 16.00-18.00 - Artists Talks
Sanatçılar/Artists: Maria Papadimitriou, Jean-Robert Franco
1 Eylül 2007, Cumartesi 15.00-18.00
1 September 2007, Saturday 15.00-18.00
Panel/Panel: Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Müzakere / Art and Negotiation in Public Art
Konuşmacılar/Speakers: Hou Hanru, Bik Van der Pol, Superflex, Socrates Stratis, Jörgen Svensson
5-6 Ekim 2007 / 5-6 October 2007
Sanatçı Konuşmaları ve Panel: “Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Estetik Bağlam”
Artists Talks and Panel: Art in Public Space and Aesthetic Regime
26-27 Ekim 2007 / 26-27 October 2007
Sanatçı Konuşmaları ve Panel: “Kamusal Alan, Güncel Sanat ve Siyasi Eylem”
Artists Talks and Panel: Public space, Contemporary Art and Politics
5-31 Ekim 2007 / 5-31 October 2007
Archive Exhibition on Public Art Projects
31 August 2007, Friday 16.00-18.00 - Artists Talks
Sanatçılar/Artists: Maria Papadimitriou, Jean-Robert Franco
1 Eylül 2007, Cumartesi 15.00-18.00
1 September 2007, Saturday 15.00-18.00
Panel/Panel: Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Müzakere / Art and Negotiation in Public Art
Konuşmacılar/Speakers: Hou Hanru, Bik Van der Pol, Superflex, Socrates Stratis, Jörgen Svensson
5-6 Ekim 2007 / 5-6 October 2007
Sanatçı Konuşmaları ve Panel: “Kamusal Alanda Sanat ve Estetik Bağlam”
Artists Talks and Panel: Art in Public Space and Aesthetic Regime
26-27 Ekim 2007 / 26-27 October 2007
Sanatçı Konuşmaları ve Panel: “Kamusal Alan, Güncel Sanat ve Siyasi Eylem”
Artists Talks and Panel: Public space, Contemporary Art and Politics
5-31 Ekim 2007 / 5-31 October 2007
Archive Exhibition on Public Art Projects
Saturday, August 18, 2007
santralistanbul is a conservation and regeneration project, led by İstanbul Bilgi University, involving the transformation of İstanbul’s first urban scale electricity power plant, Silahtarağa (operational from 1914 to 1983), into an international hub for arts, culture, learning and education. The Silahtarağa area is situated at the heart of Golden Horn, one of İstanbul’s once major industrial quarters, now positioning itself as a cultural and recreational site. The power plant with its early twentieth century turbine halls, boiler rooms, control room, workers’ lodgings and its peripheral buildings like warehouses and repair yards, as well as with its extensive gardens and waterfront area, is a well-preserved industrial heritage site, unique in this respect in this region. santralistanbul has taken over this truly awe-inspiring space and is turning it into generative force field through arts, culture and learning. santralistanbul comprises a major centre for contemporary arts, exhibition and project spaces, an Energy Museum, a comprehensive arts and humanities public library, residence facilities for visiting artists and researchers, performance spaces, as well as Bilgi University’s various teaching departments, such as Visual Communications Design, Architecture MA Programme, Sociology, History and Management of Performing Arts. santralistanbul is a unique undertaking where artistic activities and learning programmes intermingle, feeding one another with creativity. santralistanbul sees its mission as being an accessible, participatory and interdisciplinary international platform for arts, culture and learning, aiming to generate an attractive resource for the entire region, from the immediate locality of Golden Horn to neighbouring countries around Turkey.
Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı
Silahtarağa Mahallesi, Kazım Karabekir Caddesi
No: 1 34060 Eyüp İstanbul
Tel: 0212 311 70 00
Fax: 0212 427 94 40
E-mail: info@santralistanbul.org
Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı
Silahtarağa Mahallesi, Kazım Karabekir Caddesi
No: 1 34060 Eyüp İstanbul
Tel: 0212 311 70 00
Fax: 0212 427 94 40
E-mail: info@santralistanbul.org
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